
Format for Partnership Agreement


A partnership agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a partnership between two or more parties. It is essential for partners to have a partnership agreement in place to avoid any confusion or disputes that may arise during their joint business venture. Here is a format for a partnership agreement that can be used as a guide:


The introduction should include the date the agreement is signed, the names of all the partners involved, and the name of the partnership.

Purpose of the partnership

This section should outline the purpose of the partnership, including the type of business it will carry out, the products or services it will offer, and its overall goals.

Capital contribution

Partnerships require capital contributions from each partner. This section outlines the amount of capital each partner will contribute, the method of payment, and any terms or conditions to which the contributions are subject.

Profit and loss allocation

This section outlines how the profits and losses of the partnership will be allocated among the partners. It should include the percentage-based allocation, what happens in the case of a loss and how it will be determined.

Management and control

Partners must agree on who has the authority to make decisions for the partnership. This section outlines who will be responsible for the management and control of the partnership, including decision-making authority and the roles and responsibilities of each partner.

Partner salaries and drawings

Partners may receive salaries for their work within the partnership. This section outlines how salaries and drawings will be allocated, the payment method, and any terms and conditions.

Term and termination of partnership

This section outlines the duration of the partnership and how it can be terminated. It should include provisions for dissolution, buyouts, and any other exit strategies.

Dispute resolution

Disputes can arise in any business partnership, and it’s essential to have a plan in place for dispute resolution. This section outlines the steps the partnership will take to resolve any disputes that may arise.

Confidentiality and non-compete

This section outlines any confidentiality agreements between the partners and any non-compete agreements that may be in place.


Partnerships can expose partners to potential legal liabilities. This section outlines how the partnership will indemnify the partners against any legal claims or liabilities that arise as a result of the partnership’s business operations.


The partnership agreement should be signed and dated by all parties involved. Any attachments, exhibits, or schedules to the agreement should also be included.

In conclusion, partnerships agreements are essential legal documents that can prevent disputes and confusion between partners in a business venture. The format outlined above is a template that can be used as a guide for drafting a partnership agreement. It`s important to consult with an experienced attorney to ensure that the agreement is comprehensive and covers all relevant aspects of the partnership.