
Contractions List Grade 3


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If you`re a third-grader, you might be wondering about using contractions in your writing. Contractions are shortened forms of words that are made by joining two words with an apostrophe. Using contractions can make your writing sound more conversational and natural. In this article, we`ll be exploring a list of common contractions that grade 3 students can use in their writing.

Here is a contractions list grade 3 students can refer to:

1. I`m – I am

2. You`re – You are

3. He`s – He is

4. She`s – She is

5. It`s – It is

6. We`re – We are

7. They`re – They are

8. Can`t – Cannot

9. Don`t – Do not

10. Haven`t – Have not

When using contractions, it`s important to remember the correct apostrophe placement. The apostrophe replaces the missing letters in the contraction. For example, “can`t” is a contraction of “cannot,” and the apostrophe replaces the “no” in “cannot.”

In addition to using contractions in writing, it`s also important to know when not to use them. Contractions are more appropriate for informal writing, such as emails or text messages, but less appropriate for formal writing, such as essays or reports.

Overall, using contractions in writing can add a conversational tone and make your writing sound more natural. Just remember to use them appropriately and in the right context.

In conclusion, the above contractions list grade 3 students can use in their writing is a great starting point for learning about contractions. With practice, you can become a master of using contractions in your writing!