
Pronoun Agreement Definition with Example


Pronoun Agreement: Definition with Example

Pronoun agreement refers to the agreement between a pronoun and the noun it replaces in terms of gender and number. It is important for writers to ensure that the pronouns they use match the nouns they replace, as incorrect pronoun agreement can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. This article will provide a definition of pronoun agreement, along with examples to help you better understand how to use pronouns correctly.

What is Pronoun Agreement?

Pronoun agreement is the matching of pronouns to the nouns they replace in terms of gender and number. For example, if the noun in question is feminine and singular, the pronoun used to replace it should also be feminine and singular. It is important to remember that pronoun agreement applies not only to the subject of a sentence but also to other parts of speech, such as direct and indirect objects.

Examples of Pronoun Agreement

Subject-Verb Agreement:

Example 1: She is going to the store.

In this sentence, “she” is the subject and singular, so the verb “is” agrees with it in terms of number.

Example 2: They are going to the store.

In this sentence, “they” is the subject and plural, so the verb “are” agrees with it in terms of number.

Direct and Indirect Object Agreement:

Example 1: The dog chased him.

In this sentence, “him” is the direct object and singular, so it agrees with the singular subject “dog.”

Example 2: The teacher gave them a book.

In this sentence, “them” is the indirect object and plural, so it agrees with the plural subject “students.”

Possessive Pronoun Agreement:

Example 1: His book is on the desk.

In this sentence, “his” is a possessive pronoun used to refer back to the singular noun “boy.”

Example 2: Their books are on the desk.

In this sentence, “their” is a possessive pronoun used to refer back to the plural noun “students.”


Pronoun agreement is an important concept to understand in order to ensure clear and effective communication. By correctly matching pronouns to the nouns they replace in terms of gender and number, writers can avoid confusion and misinterpretation of their intended meaning. Use the examples provided in this article to help you improve your understanding and use of pronoun agreement in your writing.