
Identifying Errors in Subject Verb Agreement Exercises


Subject-verb agreement is a grammar rule that states that the subject of a sentence must agree with its verb in number, meaning that a singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb. Errors in subject-verb agreement are common and can affect the clarity and professionalism of a piece of writing. In this article, we will discuss some common errors in subject-verb agreement exercises and how to identify and correct them.

1. Singular subject and plural verb

One of the most common errors in subject-verb agreement exercises is using a plural verb with a singular subject. For example, “The cat on the table are hungry.” In this sentence, “cat” is a singular noun, and it requires a singular verb “is,” not a plural verb “are.” To correct this, change “are” to “is,” resulting in “The cat on the table is hungry.”

2. Plural subject and singular verb

On the other hand, using a singular verb with a plural subject is another common error in subject-verb agreement exercises. For example, “The dogs in the park walks daily.” Here, “dogs” is a plural noun, and it requires a plural verb “walk,” not a singular verb “walks.” To correct this, change “walks” to “walk,” resulting in “The dogs in the park walk daily.”

3. Indefinite pronoun confusion

Indefinite pronouns such as “everyone,” “someone,” “anyone,” and “no one” are singular, and they require singular verbs. For instance, “Everyone in the room were wearing masks.” Here, “everyone” is a singular subject, and it requires a singular verb “was,” not a plural verb “were.” To correct this, change “were” to “was,” resulting in “Everyone in the room was wearing masks.”

4. Compound subject and verb

When a sentence has a compound subject (two or more subjects joined by “and”), it usually requires a plural verb. For instance, “Tom and Jerry watches cartoons every Saturday.” Here, “Tom and Jerry” is a compound subject, and it requires a plural verb “watch,” not a singular verb “watches.” To correct this, change “watches” to “watch,” resulting in “Tom and Jerry watch cartoons every Saturday.”

5. Collective noun agreement

A collective noun refers to a group of people, animals, or things and is often treated as a singular noun, requiring a singular verb. For example, “The jury are deciding the verdict.” Here, “jury” is a collective noun, and it requires a singular verb “is,” not a plural verb “are.” To correct this, change “are” to “is,” resulting in “The jury is deciding the verdict.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of clear and effective writing. Identifying and correcting errors in subject-verb agreement exercises requires a keen eye for detail and a thorough understanding of grammar rules. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can avoid common errors and produce high-quality writing that effectively communicates your message.