
Transdev Enterprise Agreement Melbourne


Transdev is one of the largest transportation companies in the world, with operations spanning across over 20 countries. In Melbourne, Transdev is responsible for providing public transport services across the city, through its partnership with Public Transport Victoria (PTV). However, the company`s operations in Melbourne were recently impacted by a major industrial dispute.

In May 2021, Transdev`s enterprise agreement with its workforce in Melbourne, the Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU), expired. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment for the company`s drivers, maintenance staff, and other employees. Negotiations to renew the agreement have been ongoing for several months, with both parties unable to reach a resolution.

As a result, the RTBU initiated a series of industrial actions, including strikes, work stoppages, and overtime bans, which disrupted Transdev`s services across the city. The actions, which were supported by over 90% of the union`s members, were aimed at pressuring the company to come to the negotiating table and address the workers` concerns.

The key issues in the dispute are pay, working conditions, and job security. The RTBU is seeking a pay increase of 4% per year, improved rostering arrangements, and better job security for its members, among other things. The union argues that its members have been working hard throughout the pandemic, often putting their own health and safety at risk, and deserve to be rewarded for their efforts.

Transdev, on the other hand, has stated that it is committed to reaching a fair and reasonable agreement with its workforce, but that the union`s demands are unrealistic and unsustainable. The company has pointed out that it is facing significant financial pressures due to the pandemic, and that any pay increase would have to be balanced against the need to maintain affordable fares for passengers.

The dispute has had a significant impact on public transport services in Melbourne, with many commuters experiencing delays, cancellations, and overcrowding. The industrial actions have also disrupted the city`s COVID-19 vaccine rollout, with some vaccination sites being inaccessible due to the transport disruptions.

As of August 2021, negotiations between Transdev and the RTBU are ongoing, with both parties expressing a willingness to reach a resolution. However, it remains to be seen whether a deal can be struck that satisfies the workers` demands while maintaining the viability of the company`s operations in Melbourne.

In conclusion, the Transdev enterprise agreement in Melbourne is a complex issue that highlights the challenges of balancing the interests of workers, employers, and the public in the current economic climate. As the negotiations continue, it is important for all parties to keep an open mind and work towards a mutually beneficial outcome that ensures fair pay and working conditions for the workers, while maintaining affordable and reliable transport services for the people of Melbourne.